In the fall of 2018, a group of chapter members began building an RV-12iS in one of the chapter’s project hangars. The goals included: provide hands-on building experience, increase utilization of the chapter workspace and tools, attracting new members, develop camaraderie, and build a very capable yet affordable airplane. Build time was expected to be about 18 months.
The Van’s RV-12iS is the latest incarnation of the RV-12. The RV-12iS design has been updated to accommodate the Rotax 912iS engine (fuel injected, 100 HP), updated avionics and wiring, and the latest design improvements. Avionics include either the Garmin G3X or Dynon package with two touch screen flat panels, ADSB-In/Out, and autopilot. The project RV-12iS was built and registered as E-LSA.
More than 20 people joined the build team, and about 5 experienced builders volunteered to be mentors. A subset of the builders purchased the kit and formed an LLC and flying club based at Twin Oaks Airpark (7S3).
The airplane was completed and its first engine start was in October 2020 – followed not long after by the first flight. That RV-12iS is now housed in its own hangar at Twin Oaks and flies frequently with the flying club members at the controls.