Sharing passion for aviation!

CHANNEL 122.75 – May 2024

by J. Rion Bourgeois

Breakfast Report

             We served 173 at the May breakfast, down from 233 at the April breakfast.  Contact Cliff Gerber at if you want to volunteer as a regular or just for the next breakfast as needed. The next breakfast is this Saturday, June 1, 2024.  As the weather improves, we should see more aircraft fly in. This is also the first regularly scheduled Young Eagle event for the summer.

Monthly Chapter Meeting

The program for the May 9, 2024 regular chapter meeting was a visit to Van’s Aircraft factory at the Aurora Airport where we heard from old and new members of the management team.  Van’s AC will be out of bankruptcy effective June 1, 2024 and is back up and running full steam ahead.  The forecast is CAVU.  Now we can get back to prognosticating when the RV-15 will be available to order.  The upcoming regular chapter meeting on Thursday June 13, 2024 will be a presentation of a documentary, “The Mighty Wimpy: The Oregon Homebuilt Airplane that Inspired the Experimental Aircraft Movement”. As usual, supper is at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Youth Programs

To reiterate, the chapter is currently operating three youth programs out of the chapter’s Hangar G1 at Twin Oaks Airpark:  Young Eagle flights the first Saturday of the months of June, July, August and September; a model airplane Discuss, Design, Build and Try program the first Thursday of every month from 6 to 8 pm for 13 to 17 year olds; and a radio control model airplane Build and Fly Program every Sunday afternoon from 12:30 to 2:30 pm starting May 5, 2024 for 13-18 year olds. Descriptions of all three programs can be found on the chapter website,   Feel free to refer youths you know who may be interested in building and flying  model aircraft, and/or becoming a Young Eagle.

Flying Start Program

            The chapter held a Flying Start program in the chapter hangar G-1 on June 25, 2024. CFIs Phil Mandel  and Ron Poe discussed the requirements and procedures for obtaining the various types of private pilot licenses.  The only participates interested in obtaining a license were youth, so Ron and I gave Young Eagle flights instead of Eagle Flights.

Poker Run

            Our annual Poker Run will be conducted on Saturday, June 15, 2024, the airports to be announced.   We will finish at Twin Oaks as usual for the distribution of prizes.

CHANNEL 122.75 – May 2024
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