Welcome to Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 105 Young Eagles Program!
The chapter participates in the national EAA Young Eagles program by sponsoring free introductory plane rides for kids 8-18.5 years of age. From the EAA website:
“The EAA Young Eagles program was launched in 1992 to give interested young people, ages 8 – 18.5, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers. Since 1992, more than 2 million Young Eagles have enjoyed a flight through the program. Young Eagles have been registered in more than 90 different countries and have been flown by more than 42,000 volunteer pilots.”
An Introduction: for many kids, a ride in an airplane is just the beginning of a lifelong fascination with aviation. Some already know that they will learn to fly or pursue a career in aviation. The EAA provides a follow on program to help kids continue to develop their interests. It’s called the Young Eagles Flight Plan. It provides camaraderie, scholarships, and flight training discounts. Be sure to discuss this program as well as local flight training and our chapter-level youth scholarship program with an EAA chapter 105 member.
CLICK THIS to download a PDF describing some of the free benefits available after a Young Eagle Flight.
Rallies: Several times throughout the year, EAA Chapter 105 hosts a Young Eagle flying day. The anticipated dates are the first Saturdays of June, July, August, and September. (subject to cancellation due to weather). Go to YEday.org to find an event and register. Once a parent or legal guardian registers online, they must be at the event to sign our event iPad to complete the registration. If the parent or guardian cannot be at the event, a paper registration form can be printed, signed, and brought to the event. Your iPad signature or paper registration form is required for your child to fly with us.
Individual Flights: We also arrange flights for kids throughout the year outside our rally events. Our pilots are volunteers and often happily adjust their schedules and plans to conduct Young Eagles flights. Still, we do ask parents to provide multiple options, when possible, to allow some flexibility in scheduling the planes and pilots.
Contact Information: Cassandra (Castillo) Mouser and Cliff Gerber are the chapter’s Young Eagles coordinators. They can help arrange Young Eagles flights for youth and match them with volunteer pilots. Our coordinators also handle details related to the Young Eagles rallies the chapter participates in each year. Please feel free to contact them via email at youngeagles@eaa105.org.
Pilots with completed Young Eagles registration forms should send them to EAA in Oshkosh. The address is on the registration form. EAA requires the completed original copy of the signed paper forms to be submitted.