Sharing passion for aviation!

CHANNEL 122.75 – August & September 2024

by J. Rion Bourgeois

Breakfast Report

   The next breakfast Saturday, September 7, 2024, after which will be the final regularly scheduled Young Eagle event for the year at Hangar G1.

Monthly Chapter Meeting

The program for the regular second Thursday of the month chapter meeting on Thursday August 8, 2024 was a presentation Jeff Axel and his wife Sandy of their AirCam project.  “The Lockwood Aircam is a high-wing, twin engine pusher configuration aircraft with conventional landing gear, based on the single engine Lockwood Drifter and sold in kit form by Lockwood Aircraft. The open-cockpit aircraft seats two in tandem.” Wikipedia.  See also  Jeff is a retired anesthesiologist who flew a Cessna P210 until one of their son’s started school in OIT in Klamath Falls.  Visits required them to fly long stretches over the Cascades so they sold the P210 and bought a Cessna Skymaster, a twin engine aircraft.   After the son graduated from OIT, they went back into a Cessna P210 until they had a grandson on the east coast, so they bought a Mitsubishi MU-2.  “The Mitsubishi MU-2 is a Japanese high-wing, twin-engine turboprop aircraft with a pressurized cabin manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. It made its maiden flight in September 1963 and was produced until 1986.” Wikipedia.  It has a top speed of 326 hp and a range of 1,758.  It serves them well for their long distance family visits.   Jeff is retired now, and wanted a project.   There aren’t a lot of tandem homebuilts, but he discovered the AirCam, and took a ride in a float equipped model from the designer Phil Lockwood himself.   He was impressed, and so was Sandy who gave him the go ahead immediately after her test flight due to the STOL performance of the twin Rotax engines.  They took delivery of the slow build kit on December 10, 2023, and when we saw it in his garage in Beaverton August 8, 2024 the airframe was essentially complete.   The fuselage is LONG and has LOTS of rivets and small parts.  His attention to detail, required of an anesthesiologist, served him well, as did his decision to color code the small parts with colored tie wraps, and a multitude of small drawer chests which were labelled by Sandy.  They are at the 90% done, and 90% to go point.  I would say the kit is about at the quick build kit stage of the RV kits.  Their workmanship is impeccable.   I am looking forward to seeing it fly.  He and Sandy were very gracious hosts, and we appreciate their hospitality very much.  I hope the chapter will be holding more project visits in the future.

Hangar Work Parties

        We held a work party August 11, 2024 to start cleaning and reorganizing hangar G1.  The flyout to Newport scheduled for August 17 was cancelled due to iffy weather at the coast, so we held another work party and made substantial progress.  We have another work party scheduled for this Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. to continue work on hangar G1 and to polish the fuselage of the Cessna 120.  Benton will be flipping burgers at noon.  Please come out to help us spruce up our meeting space and play with the polishing kit.

Poker Run

        Our annual Poker Run scheduled for Saturday, June 15, 2024, was cancelled due to weather.  It has been rescheduled to Saturday, September 14, 2024. Pilots and their passengers can register and pay their entry fee and draw their first card at the FBO office at Lenhardt’s Airpark (7S9) from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. If they are late, they can draw a card at the Whiskey Hill Store a block to the south and pay their entry fees at the white elephant awards presentation at the end of the run at Hangar G-1 at Twin Oaks Airpark.  Each player can pull another card from the dealer at each of the following locations in any order:  Starduster Café at Independence State Airport (7S5), Corvallis Aero at Corvallis Airport (KCVO), Potcake Aviation at McMinnville Airport (KMMV), Randall Henderson’s hangar at Seaside Municipal Airport (56S), and hangar G1 at Twin Oaks Airpark . Dessert will be served at 4:00 p.m. in hangar G1 at Twin Oaks Airpark, and the white elephant prize selection/swap  will follow. Participants are requested to bring a wrapped prize for the white elephant event.

Upcoming Fly-out

        As noted above, the first scheduled flyout to Newport was cancelled due to weather. The second is Sunday, September 22, 2024 to the annual Gillette Field (OR51) Chicken Dinner Fly-in and Drive-In near Scio, Oregon.   Lots of antique and classic car owners drive in and display their cars, so there is lots to see. The food is available for lunch, so the chapter will serve coffee and donuts at 9::00 a.m. in hangar G1 at Twin Oaks Airpark.   

CHANNEL 122.75 – August & September 2024
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