
Sharing passion for aviation!

CHANNEL 122.75 – January 2025

by J. Rion Bourgeois

Breakfast Report

        We served 162 at  the January ,  2025 breakfast and 157 at the February, 2025 breakfast.  Costco large eggs cost $5.30 a dozen for the February breakfast.   The Bob’s Red Mill outlet store is closing,  so we may not have a source for their Creamy White Grits, and we may have to go back to the Polenta / Yellow Grits when the bag of Creamy White Grits is gone.  The U.S. Chef’s Store locations only stock the Yellow Grits.  If anyone knows of any retail stores that sell the Bob’s Red Mill Creamy White Grits, please let me know.

        Note that chapter members who wear their name tag to the breakfast get a $1 discount.  

Monthly Chapter Meeting Report

The program for the regular second Thursday of the month chapter meeting on Thursday January 9, 2025 was a short presentation by Kevin Johnson on the Recreational Aviation Foundation, an organization that is dedicated to preserving access to back country landing strips.   He was  followed by a longer presentation by Chris Riedener and Dick Van Grunsven on George Bogardus who was instrumental in obtaining federal approval of the creation of the experimental aircraft category and allowing operation thereof in US airspace.  George was therefore a major figure in what has become the experimental / home built aircraft movement.  Dick and Chris have done an initial review of the Bogardus archives, and gave a very interesting and insightful review of George and his accomplishments.   Dick also narrated a video of the chapter’s restoration of George’s Little Gee Bee which is on display at the Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport.

 The chapter meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2025 will be a visit to Paul Grimstad’s RV-14 project at his shop at Precision Countertops, 6490 SW Warm Spring St, Tualatin OR 97062.  The aircraft is 90% complete, and Paul is intent on completing it in time for this year’s Airventure in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.   For those not familiar with construction of the RV line of aircraft, this will be a good chance at learning the process.  For those who have built an RV,  this will be a chance to examine what is reported to be a very well done example of the latest model currently available.   Benton Holzwarth will present a light supper at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will start at 7:00 p.m.  Be there or be square.

CHANNEL 122.75 – January 2025
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