Sharing passion for aviation!

CHANNEL 122.75 – October 2024

by J. Rion Bourgeois

Breakfast Report

        We served 214 at the September 7, 2024 breakfast and 169 at the October 5, 2024 breakfast.  

Monthly Chapter Meeting

The program for the regular second Thursday of the month chapter meeting on Thursday September 12, 2024  were reports by our 2023 Ray Scholarship recipient, Kellan Oberhelman, and our 2024 Ray Scholarship recipient, Kristofer Thieme.  Kellan passed his check ride for private pilot and Kristofer soloed, both in August of this year.   Both Kellan and Kristofer are regular volunteers at the monthly breakfast.   Congratulations to both of them, and kudos to our chapter scholarship committee of Greg Hughes, Cliff Gerber, and Jenny Hickman. 

The next regular second Thursday of the month chapter meeting will be in Hangar G1 at Twin Oaks Airpark.  The subject will be a presentation by Bill Jepson on his Propeller Speed Reduction Unit for a Mazda rotary automobile engine. 

Hangar Work Parties

        We held scheduled work parties  on August 11, August 17, September 1, and September 12, 2024 to remodel hangar G1.  If you haven’t seen the result yet, you should come to the next chapter meeting this Thursday, October 10, 2024 to check it out. 

Poker Run

        Our annual Poker Run was held on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Cards were dealt at Lenhardt’s Airpark (7S9),  Starduster Café at Independence State Airport (7S5), Corvallis Aero at Corvallis Airport (KCVO), Potcake Aviation at McMinnville Airport (KMMV), and Hangar F1 at Twin Oaks. Weather prevented us from also drawing a card at Randall Henderson’s hangar at Seaside Airport.  Paul Johnson had the winning hand.

Gillette Field Chicken Dinner Fly-out

        We had a half a dozen souls show up at Hangar G1 on Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. for coffee and donuts before we flew out to the annual Gillette Field (OR51) Chicken Dinner Fly-in and Drive-In near Scio, Oregon.   This is a fund raiser for the local Catholic diocese. The weather was perfect and there were lots of antique and classic cars and 50 to 60 aircraft that flew in (estimated).   The grass strip is in excellent condition and is adjacent to a sod farm which is used for aircraft parking.  The chicken was good, but the company was excellent.     

Hillsboro Airport Block Party

        The chapter participated in the Port of Portland’s Hillsboro Airport Block Party held on Saturday, October 5, 2024.  We displayed a Teen Flight RV-12, the fuselage from our Cessna 120 project, and the fuselage of Chad Koehnen’s Starduster II project.  James Breazeal and Mike Whelan delivered the two fuselages with James’ flatbed trailer pulled by his big diesel Ram Power Wagon. Cliff Gerber delivered the RV-12. Ken Howe also displayed one of the chapter’s Build and Fly radio control models.  Thanks also to other volunteers who helped. The biggest attraction were several work stations for kids and their parents to assemble Cliff Gerber’s rivkits.  They were a big hit again, as they had been at last year’s event, then called the Oregon Air Fair. The weather was perfect.  Chad Koehnen, who works for the Port and organized our effort, estimates there were about two thousand participants.  KGW and KOIN had camera crews present.  We anticipate this will be an annual event for the Port.

CHANNEL 122.75 – October 2024
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