Sharing passion for aviation!


Monthly Blueberry Pancake Breakfast

Please join us for our Monthly Blueberry Pancake Breakfast at Twin Oaks Airpark. This event is open to the public. $10/adult and $5/child. This is a good way to see […]


Build and Fly -SIM Build

EAA105 Chapter Hangar G1 12405 SW River Rd Hanger G1, Hillsboro, OR, United States

Build and Fly We will be working on the Simulator project. We are building a flight simulator into a full size Bearhawk fuselage. “Build and Fly” is EAA105’s generic title […]

Chapter Gathering

Teen Flight 3155 NE Cornell Rd, Hillsboro, OR, United States

This Monthly Chapter Gathering will be at the Teen Flight Building, in the southwest corner of the parking lot on the south side of Hillsboro Airport, off NE Cornell Rd. […]

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