Sharing passion for aviation!


Build and Fly -Old School Model

EAA105 Chapter Hangar G1 12405 SW River Rd Hanger G1, Hillsboro, OR, United States

  Build and Fly We will be working on building a Wood and Fabric RC Model Airplane. This will be a 6 week project every Sunday for 6 weeks. Youth do not have to come every week, however they will gain the most from coming to all the sessions. The EAA Young Eagles Build and […]

Chapter Gathering

Chapter Gatherings – are typically on the second Thursday of every month, 6:30 pm, usually at the EAA 105 Hangar (G1) at Twin Oaks Airpark, although sometimes at other venues. We have some food (small donation requested) and socialize from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. with the EAA Monthly video, […]


WAAAM Second Saturday

*** Not an EAA 105 Event *** The Second Saturday of the month WAAAM calls the volunteers to action! We love flying and driving these wonderful artifacts and invite you to share in these special days at the museum. Our action runs between 10am and 2pm. (If you are here early you may be asked […]

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