
Sharing passion for aviation!

March 14th Chapter Gathering

Chapter Gatherings – are typically on the second Thursday of every month, 6:30 pm, usually at the EAA 105 Hangar (G1) at Twin Oaks Airpark, although sometimes at other venues. We’ll have some food (small donation requested) and socialize from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m.  The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. with the EAA Monthly video, followed by a special program.  Upcoming programs TBD.

We are looking for volunteers to help organize or present at future meetings.  You can discuss your build project, do a presentation, invite a speaker, show a movie, or organize a field trip. Contact Rion Bourgeois with your idea for a chapter meeting.

The presentation on March 14th will be about the Chapter Cessna 120 project.

Chris will present a retrospective on the Cessna 120 project which began in 2021.  We made a lot of progress and it has provided some wonderful learning experiences.  Chris will give a behind-the-scenes look at the work that has been completed including the airframe, mechanical, wings (fabric), and the motor overhaul.

Chris is currently trying to find an owner or a group of owners for the project.  This has always been part of the project’s vision.  There is a fair amount of interest in seeing the project completed, and a flying club formed.  Chris will provide more details during the presentation and he will be available after the presentation to talk about options.

EAA Chapter 105 members still have an opportunity to complete this project.  The vision is just as valid today as ever. The Cessna 120 has high utility, a low total cost of ownership, and it would provide tailwheel experience.  We live in an ideal region of the country for this airplane – multiple grass airstrips, fly-ins, and scenery.  The chapter hanger is available through 2024.  It’s heated, we have tools and technical expertise.  Assembling the airplane would provide the experience needed to fly and maintain it.

March 14th Chapter Gathering
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