EAA 105 Membership


Welcome to EAA Chapter 105!  We are part of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), a national organization for both pilots and non-pilots who are interested in the dynamic world of flight. Founded in 1953, EAA offers activities for the entire family on the local, regional, and national levels.

The EAA also offers support programs for those who are building and restoring aircraft. Most importantly, it is dedicated to serving all of aviation by fostering and encouraging individual participation, high standards and access to the world of flight in an environment that promotes freedom, safety, family and personal fulfillment. If you have an interest in any aspect of experimental aviation and would like to support experimental aviation, consider joining the EAA by clicking here.

Members of EAA national can then participate locally by joining any one of the over 1,000 local chapters (including ours!). The only requirements for chapter membership are membership in the EAA (national), an interest in aviation, and a willingness to get involved.

Why join Chapter 105?

  • Activities — Fly-outs, fly-ins, pancake breakfasts, workshops, hosting the EAA's B-17, special interest subgroups — become a member of this dynamic and active organization and we guarantee you won't be bored! In fact, the only problem most people have is just choosing which of the myriad activities they are going to have time to participate in!

  • Meetings — When you think of a 'meeting,' do you picture a bunch of people sitting in chairs listending to some guy droning on for an hour and a half about something you may or may not have any interest in? Our meetings are a lively combination of project workshops, technical discussions, activity planning, parts-swapping, and just about anything else an experimental aviation enthusiast would want to see, do, or talk about.

  • Newsletter — Every month you'll receive a brand new issue of our newsletter, either via email notification or US mail depending on your chosen preference. The newsletter is chock-full of current information about local goings-on such as when and where the next fly-out will be, what exciting projects we'll be looking at during upcoming meetings, and who's doing what in the local homebuilt community. You won't want to miss an issue!

  • Tool Crib — Access to the our collection of tools is one of the invaluable benefits of chapter membership. Think about it, how many experimental aviation enthusiasts are able to purchase a whole set of the type of tools found in the typical aircraft maintenance shop? We've got it all, including wing jacks, compression tester, timing tools, spark plug cleaner/tester, cylinder head wrench sets, SNR meter, aircraft scales, and even a state-of-the-art prop balancing system.

  • Project Hangar — Access to the chapter's project hangar with machine tools, compressor, aviation library with reading room, extensive aviation magazine collection, PC with internet access, refrigerator, water cooler, coffee machine, landing judging area with picnic table, propane grill, and eligibility to sublease space for aircraft projects.

  • Volunteerism — Chapter 105 is a member-driven group, and we encourage members to take advantage of the opportinuties to participate. From flying young eagles to hosting a meeting or workshop to helping out with the monthy pancake breakfast, there are countless opportunities for members to get involved and make a contribution. And if you feel the chapter isn't providing you with what you're looking for, by all means contact one of the chapter officers and let your thoughts be known to him or her. Chances are you'll be invited to join the board, chair a subgroup, or otherwise become active in correcting whatever issue you might have. As with any volunteer- membership driven organization, those who participate are the ones who end up driving the direction of the group.