EAA 105 Board of Directors


Board Meeting Minutes for the month of March, 2011.

The March meeting of the EAA Chapter 105 board was held at Baja Fresh on Scholls Ferry Rd, on 17 March 2011.

Attending this evening were: Tom Louris, Rion Bourgeois, Jerry VanGrunsven, Dick VanGrunsven, Roy Thoma, Bruce Rose, Jenny and Rob Hickman, John Jessen, Len Kauffman, Ron Poe, Joe Miller, Michelle Smith, Ron Singh and Benton Holzwarth.  The meeting was called to order promptly at 7:00 PM.

The first business up, the February minutes, were approved.

  • With respect to the previousn notes that 292 was approaching 105 about hosting an event in conjunction with the Van's Homecoming, Dick says Van's Aircraft will work with Chapter 292 to host an event, perhaps a Poker Run or some other type of event.

  • Website:
    • John Jessen informed the board that he'd overshot his approved budget by about $200 for renewal of the chapter website registration. He'd been presented with a multiple-year discount and had elected to take advantage of it. The board approved reimbursing him for the action.

    • John has been redesigning the chapter site (www.eaa105.org) and the effort is bearing fruit. He asks 'What is the website supposed to accomplish, in relation to the newsletter and emails?' The new site has both static and dynamic (frequently updated) areas and is attempting to be sympathetic and compatible with the newsletter. His goal is to make the site an information source that would pass information to our members more frequently than just once a month. Also, he's trying to engineer it to be compatible with iPads and smart-phones so members can make quick checks on, for example, the next meeting location. Much thought has been invested in what goes on the front page, navigation to the rest, as well as key information. He's looking out for what's important to us, the member-readers. There was also continuing discussion about adding a (chapter) members only area. With a few more questions -- how much work to set up and maintain? "Lots." -- the decision was made to not put any more effort into setting up a private area for now.

  • Dues alignment: The decision was made to align dues renewals to the new year. The reasoning is that it's easier to nag everyone at once. Implementation details remain to be determined. New joining members will see the partial year prorated by quarter. Renewing members will have their renewal date advanced by the year(s) paid, plus waiver of the fractional year to fix their renewal on the following Jan 1.

  • Chapter Roster: The board has determined by motion and vote to move forward on distributing rosters electronically. The membership will be notified of an option to opt-out of having their contact details included. John will send out a .pdf file periodically (quarterly? annually?) Web vs. Newsletter: Michelle asks, with respect to making the most of both, what information needs to be in both? This raised the question of getting the correct/current contact info into both. Secretary Benton acknowledged this should be his responsibility. [Not done yet.] Ron Poe brought up the question of including a 'flying event' calendar in the website and/or newsletter. Benton offered to hook up the interested principals with Bill Boyle who circulated a pretty good compendium of NW regional events every year.

  • Scappoose -- The NW RV Fly-In:  Planning for the event is getting more critical.

    • We don't yet have a fly-in boss or some of the crew chiefs. Don't yet have a t-shirt design! RonS will take on the task of cornering a fly-in boss. The RV-12 team build guys have offered their new ship for a shirt design.

    • Formation flights at the fly-in: We've been wrestling with the limits of our EAA-Nat'l provided liability insurance vis-a-vis formation flights. While Scappoose is a public-use airport and we can't control what happens in the air, if formation flight becomes a part of our event program, we take on liability. We (Rion) submits to Nat'l, for every event including each monthly breakfast, a list of the activities held. After talking with the folks at Nat'l, Rion believes we can clear the test of whether the FF is a part of our event as long as the FF team doesn't depart and return to the event field and we make it clear that we're not formally condoning the FF. Rion has drafted a paragraph, agreed by the board, to be circulated to the local FF guys and the Seattle-area Blackjacks, explaining our position and what we understand is to be allowed. This leaves open the door for the alternate route, where the FF guys each, individually, add the events in question to their insurance policies. Len has looked into this and argues that it may cost as much as $50 per event and the FF pilots won't go along. He's also concerned as he also talked to the folks at Nat'l and came away from that conversation with a somewhat less optimistic read on their position.

  • B-17 Visit: Saturday May 21 @ 6:00 PM. Like last year, we'll have a chapter barbecue at the chapter hangar, G-1 @ Twin Oaks, to entertain the B-17 pilots and team.

  • Director reports:
    • Roy: Would like to see another list of 'social contacts' for non-members to be included in our events. (???) Roy would also like to see an accounting of what the costs are for delivering a monthly pancake breakfast.

    • Bruce: Liked the email-blast on the nicely painted airplane at the auto-show. Didn't think it was too OT for our our membership mail list. He's purchased a Borescope for use by the chapter members to be added to the tool-crib. He notes that he'd like to see a brief, regular summary of the chapter finances. He also briefed the chapter meeting venues for the next couple months:
      • April: Classic Aircraft Aviation Museum at HIO
      • May: Van's Aircraft
      • June: Parkside (Battleground, WA)
      • July: no meeting, Arlington

    • John: Will send out a list of 'departments' on the website, and would like to associate a person to be responsible for each. Person would provide updated content periodically and provide general feedback on the area.

    • Ron: April's Hangar Event (Sun, Apr 17) will be member Harchenko displaying his modified aerial applicator. Planning a barbecue to go with the event.

    • Joe: Says he'll handle getting the tables and chair from the breakfast hangar at Twin Oaks out to Scappose for the RV Fly-In if Michelle will fix his hair (note: nearly singular, not hair-plural.)

    • Michelle: Young Eagles event this weekend. Dave Salesky, on-air TV weatherman, will make a presentation for the expected 30 young eagles. We'll also talk to Dave about tapping his news director about doing a 'remote' from the B-17 when it arrives in town.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.